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Making News

Suffolk spearheads renovation project for Starting Right, Now
January 10, 2019

Starting Right, Now (SRN), a non-profit which provides opportunities for homeless unaccompanied youths in Pinellas and Hillsborough Counties, has opened its new 4,000-square-foot Student Training Center. The training center was made possible by a generous donation from national building contractor, Suffolk.

Employees from Suffolk’s Tampa office led the 10-month renovation project valued at approximately $450,000. The company and its trade partners donated the project management resources, labor and materials free of charge. Clement Foss Architects and Nicole Malone Designs also offered their design services pro bono.

The Training Center brings together SRN participants in both Hillsborough and Pinellas to teach life-skills and literacy classes and host tutoring sessions in a central location. The renovation includes a tutoring center, life-skills training center and offices.

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